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Offical Sims 3 Late night thread.

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Offical Sims 3 Late night thread.  Empty Offical Sims 3 Late night thread.

Post  clc Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:12 pm

Ok chat about the sims 3 late night ep here.


There was a Twitter Q&A event with Grant Rodiek where a lot of info about Late Night was revealed.

A thread on the TS3 site summarized the session. I'll post it here.


1) RELEASE is October 26, 2010 worldwide. <---WORLDWIDE!

2) Do you have a cover for Late Night Yet? Not yet we are still working on a cover for this EP.


1)How could we have vampires without vampire children! Of course they can reproduce and make vampiric offspring.

2) Vampires will age, but VERY slowly. Vampires will remain young adults and adults for a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time.

3) Vampires can die by thirst!

4) They aren't always innocent! But yes, plasma packs, plasma fruit, and as you mentioned, drinking from other Sims.

5) In Vampires Thirst replaces hunger. But, vampires play quite differently than other Sims.

6) Vampire powers They can read minds, hunt others, and become super powerful very quickly

7) All children, vampire or no, must go to school. It's the law! Plus, we don't want them to be dumb.

8- Vampirism is genetic

9) Vampires -- Death by Thirst, Old Age...really any death except Hunger.

10) Vampires have a special skin type of sorts (NOT GLITTER). But no, we don't have new "skin types."

11) Vampires do need sleep..Yes. We even added a new special bed for them that's quite haunting.

12) No, no coffins. They use regular beds and the new vampire altar.

13) We have a vampire cure that is a potion

14) Do Vampires have specific traits? No, but they have tons of unique behavior. They are really great.

15) New Ghost for Vampires!

16) You need to find a vampire, befriend them, and convince them to turn you. I bet the hidden vampire bar is a good place...

17) You need to ask a Vampire to drink their blood. We're not too big on wanton violence.

18- Vampires have a favorite food. O Positive and yes, there is a new genre of music too.

19) We didn't create vampire specific clothing but we did add a ton of new outfits. They are easily the best we've made.

20) The game is always changing. The trailer is based on some early footage of Vampires. Things can change.

21) There aren't vampire bloodlines. They pass on their traits and abilities genetically

22) Vampires aren't happy when they eat Garlic.. I have to leave SOME surprises as to what happens when they do eat garlic.

23) Plasma is RED & Plasma Packs are a new snack to satisfy a vampires' thirst

24) Sims skin changes when they become vampires

25) Weather in the new neighborhood is sunny and bright for now. Advisory warning if you're a vampire.


1) Guitar/Drums/Bass/Piano all have skills, opportunities, wishes, you name it.

2) "Make a move" a new romantic option

3) There's a new Film Career that has two branches: Director and Actor. There are some cool things you can do out in the town too!

4) Mixology is the other new skill. Create tons of awesome new juice drinks, learn some sweet moves, and even work as a mixologist.

5) New traits are Shy and a new one for Celebrity Sims.

6) your Sims will sometimes have acting and directing jobs outside the film studio.

7) We do have acting auditions out in the neighborhood. You can also go shoot b-roll footage. It's pretty cool!

8- The new film Career shares some of the Ambitions features, much like the Doctor career.

9) New Celeb Trait..It's similar to Eccentric for Inventing. It gives you an edge in being and becoming a celebrity.

10) Yeah, we have four musical skills for four musical instruments.

11) New Career..Film Career! New Traits..Shy! Star Quality!

12) Paparazzi are in the game. They will sneak around to take photos of celebs.

13) Do you get tipped or paid for playing instruments/gigs? Heck yeah! Musicians don't work for free! (Unless they are bad musicians).

14) This time we only added 2 more traits. There's also another trait you'll be getting soon..

15) New trait for fast lane? Maybe

16) We added new opportunities for the new skills and career, as well as gigs for the band.

17) Your Sim can moonlight as a mixologist or earn money in the band.

18- There's a new Teen Celebrity part time job only available to children of celebs

19) Will the celebrity job work like the jobs in base game, like Ambitions jobs, like the celebrity job in Superstar, or in a new way? It isn't a job. You build points by acting like a celebrity, such as schmoozing, doing things in careers, and more.

20) You can form bands with others, kick people out, have jam sessions...

21) You cannot have a job being part of the Paparazzi it is a NPC


1) There's a new breast slider for females and new muscle sliders for both genders. Let's just say we've had some funny convos.

2) Better celebrities, better drinks, and more

3) We have a lot of new objects. Shuffleboard, darts, bubble bar, new professional bars, 3 new instruments, HOT TUBS

4) We've done a lot of work to make sure Sims can talk while sitting down, having a drink, and more. It looks great!

5) Yes! You can woohoo in the hot tub and the elevator.

6) Really awesome furniture. our concept team went all out this time. You will love being a celebrity in our comfy new digs.

7) The FX machine is AWESOME. It shoots snow, fire, glitter, bubbles...oh man it ia so cool.

8- No microphone. We have piano, drums, bass, and of course, still the guitar.

9) We added several new recipes for bars and the new food truck. Hot Wings = Delicious.

10) You will have ability to form groups and hang out together. There are romantic groups as well.

11) Are there new dance moves? Yes! And they are smoking hot. Our animators are amazing.

12) Any new facial Hair? Yes! This was actually a huge request from you guys and we really wanted new facial hair.

13) Can the new sliders be inherited by offspring? Yes, they are genetic like other CAS features

14) Will there be bodyguards for famous people??? No, but you CAN hire a butler. I love asking him for advice

15) There are 3 new hot tubs. They look fantastic.

16) Can teenagers go out to the club? Yes, they can (assuming it's not too late and curfew kicks in). The focus is definitely for adults, however.

17) No DJ booth. We wanted to focus on instruments for now.

18- We have this wicked new goatee based on one of our engineers. You can see it on the bouncer in the trailer!

19) Not just ripped ads. SMOKIN' ripped abs. (ladies too)

20) Yes, we added a few new tattoos

21) There's a little bit of variety to the drink effects. You'll have to wait and see!

22) Are there going to many new hairstyles? There are quite a few. I love them.

23) No folding beds at this time.

24) There are a lot of vehicles with fast lane. Maybe 12? I cannot remember the exact number.

25) The traffic light is a decorative object, so no, we don't have a complex traffic system

26) Hard to explain the fountain tool via twitter. It's a flexible way to make really cool fountains. It's pretty amazing.

27) You CAN hire a butler. I love asking him for advice


1) Yes there will be will sims get up to their penthouses...certainly not with stairs!

2) The tall buildings can actually be lived in. If you make enough Simoleons you can even buy one of the luxury high rises

3) Celebrities, bars, band stuff -- you can put all of these in your existing neighborhood if you want.

4) Yes, there are undergrounds, or subways as we call them here in the states.

5) Yes. You go down into the subway and emerge from another one elsewhere in the world.

6) We have several subways through the neighborhood. You can place your own if you want, even on your Sim's home lot.

7) You can now build pools on any floor level, circular pools. We added a fountain tool, you can move paintings up and down on wall.

8- Half walls, building inside shell buildings...there is a LOT of build/buy stuff.

9) My Sim was at a packed dive bar today. It can get nice and busy.

10) We have not come up with a new name yet for the new town

11) Yes, you can build new stage platforms. There is also a dance floor.

12) Currently the system lets us create ANY car. Fire trucks, racing cars. We prefer this flexibility which we might not otherwise have.

13) We're really excited to finally get NPC hosted parties. Have fun crashing them (which is possible!)

14) We haven't opened up existing rabbit holes.

15) Can we build our own buildings? No, but there is a huge variety of buildings to use.

16) If the club has a bouncer you can sneak in, bribe, hack your way in...or get in legitimately with your celeb status.

17) How much is a penthouse? They will range in price like current homes. Some cheaper, some VERY expensive.

18- Will we have water reflection? Yes. Our engineers put in some gorgeous new water reflections. Load up China or Egypt especially -- GORGEOUS.

19) When will weather be a standard? I cannot say for sure, but anything is possible

20) We made updates to some old rabbit holes for variety.

21) Yes, there is the new subway and new film studio.

22) Is the new EP basically gonna be a mix of The Sims: Hot Date, and The Sims: House Party? No, it's not quite that simple. We took a lot of our favorite features and mixed them in a totally new way. (Plus new stuff!)

23) No loading screens! A short time after entering one subway your Sim will exit another.

24) The subway is free UNLESS you get mugged. But...that doesn't happen THAT often. It's faster than driving.

25) You can get mugged on the subway? I thought it was Rated T? It's not a violent mugging. You can get "mauled by bears" technically in The Sims 3. We're silly, not violent!

26) The pools have huge updates. You can now build them on any floor (so, top floor of a penthouse!) and they are curved

27) In the Subways..You pick your end destination.

28- No hotels. You live in the new neighborhood, not visit.

29) Late Night is all about going out on the town and hanging with friends. Awesome late night experiences.

30) No ocean swimming at the moment

31) We added a ton of new features for build mode but not spiral staircases

32) You can have celebs, bars, bands, and more in your old neighborhood if you want.

33) Will building have underground parking? No, but you could build a basement and put parking spaces in it if you wanted...

34) are the original rabbit holes in the new neighborhood or are there new ones? Some old. We've modified the art for some of the old ones to look new, and we added tons of buildings, subways, and film studio.

35) Yep! We've built some gorgeous new homes

36) Can we have roommates, like in apartment life? "maybe".

Posts : 1351
Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 33

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Offical Sims 3 Late night thread.  Empty Re: Offical Sims 3 Late night thread.

Post  clc Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:12 pm

Here is some new info about the sims3 late night

Tidbits of Late Night info from SimFans
*Update – please accept my deepest apologies. I accidently put SimTimes when it should have been SimFans. I must of been in la-la land or something, don’t even know why I made that mistake!

SimFans tweeted a number of Late Night tidbits on their Twitter Page when they were able to check out the game for themselves from the Munich Event. Here’s a compilation of what they had to share. If you have Twitter, be sure to follow them!

•You will get 4 exclusive objects if you register Late Night on
•New Metals: carbon steel, smithsonite, tungsten carbine, vampires eye
•New Bugs: Spider, Termite / New Fish: Kissing Gourami, Sea Sludge, Sewer Trilobite
•new community lot types: dive bar, fusion lounge, vampire lounge, exclusive lounge, dance club, poolside club, disco club, sports bar, hangout, local watering hole
•sims 3 late night screen options: enable reflections (yes/no) turned into a slider named: mirrors & water – you can set “reflection quality”
•fountain: like pools, many “rounded” options – 12 different fountain-types to place, available on rooftops, in gardens, in closed rooms
•marketing manager (late night) said “the producers would add weather/seasons, but than they tought it would be better if they add it with a expansion pack, that makes more sense to weather than this “late night” theme
•the new water reflections are just amazing! first, the producers just added the whirlpools, and than they expand water effects of whirlpools and add it to pools and normal lakes and the sea (> karen tong, ea marketing manager, the sims 3 late night
•why the wall fish tank is digital? celebrities have no time to care about real fishes. you can add all sorts of real fishes digitally
•your sims can rent location (costs simoleons) for their private party. you can choose “exclusive access” if just friends should get in.
•cas: you can choose now every lifetime wish (added feature “customize lifetime wish”), not depends on choosen traits
•new lifetime wishes: Master Mixologist, One Sim Band, Super Popular
•The new gnome is called “Blingaboo” – Its a Hip Hop Gnome!
•Levels of the FIlm-Career: Background Extra, Best Boy, Key Grip, Personal Assistant, Production Manager, Commercial Actor, TV Actor, Teen Star – There is also a part time working possibility for the Film Career
•numbers of new buildmode objects: 12 x Fountains, 6 x Half Walls, 7 x Windows, 4 x Doors, 1 x column, 1 x chimney, 3 x Trees, 1 x Gate
•example of a new lifetime reward: Always on the List-17,500 Points Sims will never be refused entry into bars, clubs, and lounges.
•buy/build mode: you can expand the window, so you see more than two rows of objects thumbs at one time
•the dancing floor object in available in 3 sizes: 3×3, 5×5 and 7×7 quares

Posts : 1351
Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 33

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